Early June, in pictures

It’s suddenly summer here – everything is obnoxiously, brilliantly, beautifully green. Flowers abound, and bees are flying everywhere, working hard to make sure we all have lots to eat and see and admire. My lawn is in desperate need of mowing, the trees...

Late March Photos (posted very late)

Suddenly, it’s springtime. Just last week, our lawn was covered in at least 9″ of snow and now it’s clear and the squirrels are bouncing around, trying to steal the seeds from the bird feeders. It’s been a good week, really. We had the first...

Photos of a Writer’s Life

I’ll be posting pictures here once a week of the various random things I do. Not all of these pictures will be about my actual writing. In fact, many of them will be non-writing: my cats, pretty views I see as I go about my daily life, other projects I’m...

Scattered Gods creation myth

I’m working on the outline for what looks to be a several book series set in a slightly altered version of our universe, one in which there are many Echoes of worlds, each with their own rules and people. ‘Magical’ Doors allow those who can use them...