Death Has No Hold On Us

Death Has No Hold On Us

Death Has No Hold On Us Joan Grey *** The wine tastes odd. Bitter. Johann glances at the glass, but the wine looks normal. Pale gold, reflections of the multicolored lights flashing in the liquid. Narrowing his eyes, he sets the glass down on a nearby table and moves...


Prompt: I woke up in pitch black after a risky but necessary operation. The bedside clock said 404. *** The first thing I heard was beeping. Repeated, regular, like it had been going on forever. My fucking alarm. I groped for my phone, but my arm wouldn’t move. That...

Scattered Gods creation myth

I’m working on the outline for what looks to be a several book series set in a slightly altered version of our universe, one in which there are many Echoes of worlds, each with their own rules and people. ‘Magical’ Doors allow those who can use them...