Winter Is Here

Winter Is Here

Well, the cats have the right idea. It’s cold out, so we should bundle up under as many blankets as we can. Peaches was wondering why I bothered to get out of bed at all, though her brother wanted me to go downstairs and give them the day’s serving of...
New Year 2022

New Year 2022

New years are interesting. They’re ‘fresh starts’, opportunities to let go of old patterns and habits which aren’t working. There’s a lot of pressure to Make Resolutions and Do It Right, as if you hadn’t made resolutions a million...

Photos of a Writer’s Life

I’ll be posting pictures here once a week of the various random things I do. Not all of these pictures will be about my actual writing. In fact, many of them will be non-writing: my cats, pretty views I see as I go about my daily life, other projects I’m...